Third generation: fathers
Just in this generation the contact between various
parts of The Family was lost. Especially ties between its Polish and American
No wonder, they lived thousands miles away, seperated with
"the iron curtain" to make things worse.
But also just this generation gave the greatest American chronicler of The Family:
Rose Veronica Taylor (de domo Piotrowski).
She was seeking urgently her Polish roots in spice of the case seemed to be hopeless.
Fortunatelly Polish Błaszczychas still knew
that their cousins lived in Rossford. They knew the address of
Kazimierz's house at Walnut Street and
(by pure chance) the address of Anna Irena Swemba
(that showed to be decisive).
Some of them visited the USA several times in 1960s, 1970s and 1990s.
Sometimes they were sending greeting cards to their American cousins being in their country.
And in the beginning of the 1990s it worked at last.
Thanks to Rose the connection between descendants of Kazimierz
(in America) and descendants of Jan (in Poland) set established again.
Again thanks to her these contacts set widen to descendants of Franciszek in 1999.
Polish members of this generation were
Jan's sons:
Stanisław and Kazimierz together with their wives: Bronisława and
Kazimiera, and Władysław that died before he grew up.
None of them is still among living.
Stanisław (Stanislaus) Piotrowski
the eldest son of Jan and
Paulina .
Born on April 14. 1910 in Strachocina, Poland.
A farmer (for long years rather a farm-hand of her autocrat mother) -
owner of a small farm (circa 4 hectares of soil) - later (since 1950)
also a worker at Kopalnia Gazu Ziemnego (the Natural Gas Mine) in
Strachocina and (since 1951 till retirement) Zakłady Gazowe
(the Natural Gas Company). It was not easy for
him to make his mind to become a hired worker. In his eyes
it was beneath his dignity to be submitted to somebody, to
be obliged to obey orders of others.
On July 22. 1933 he married Bronisława
de domo Kucharska.
They had four children, two daughters: Anna and Barbara
and two sons: Władysław and Tadeusz .
Stanisław was a very good student of a primary school.
His teachers wanted him to continue learning but the parson,
father Barcikowski advised his mother not let him to go to
any high school "lest to spoil him by the world". In later
times he was very
eager to learn from his children their school matters, especially
mathematics. Also on the high school level.
He was quite good in the game of chess. They used to play it almost
every Sunday afternoon in Strachocina. Stanisław played usually with
his younger brother Kazimierz.
Not gifted to music, singing and dancing. There exists an anecdote
(true or not but likely) they used to tell in the family as his
mother bought for him private lessons of dancing from the best
dancer in neighborhood and after few lessons she (the dancer)
refused to continue and gave back the payment (it was some quantity
of grain). However he was rather handsome (when young).
He was a very good, honest and noble man that commanded respect
of the local community. Had a great sense of humor - there exist
several anecdotes with him playing the leading role. He took care
of avoiding quarrels. He taught his sons to be tolerant
and open for other people.
Died on August 31. 1986 from cerebral hemorrhage - he suffered
for long time from high blood pressure (the family disease - ?).
He suffered also from psoriasis (it is irregularly hereditary -
another family disease - ?).
His grave is at the cemetery in Strachocina.
Bronisława (no English equivalent)
Piotrowska, maiden name Kucharska, Stanisław's
wife since July 22. 1933 till August 31. 1986, then a widow.
Born on April 02. 1912 in Strachocina as the youngest (twelfth !)
child of Władysław Kucharski and Franciszka
de domo Radwańska. Her mother lived (in Strachocina)
almost one hundred years, very active to her last days.
Her brother Józef being an (reserve) Army officer was interned
by Soviets in September 1939 and later executed together with
other internees at Katyń in 1940. Another brother Władysław
was killed by Soviet Army marauders that raided the church in
Strachocina. It was just after war.
Her maternal grand-father Wincenty Radwański was the richest
farmer in Strachocina at his times. Her grand-mother
(Wincenty's wife Magdalena - maiden name Dżugan) was an
Ukrainian (but perhaps Roman-Catholic - her mother was Polish, de domo Piotrowski).
There are oil portraits of Wincenty and Magdalena from
the end of XIX century.
The portrait of Magdalena
(very beautiful) is in hands of
Bronisława met her future husband Stanisław in an organizing
committee of the youth dancing. He was handsome, from a
"good" though rather poor family. She was one of the best
parties in neighborhood. They got married.
For long years she suffered from her
mother-in-low autocracy.
Her husband took care to avoid quarrels, especially with
his mother and gave no support for his wife. In addition
she had to reconcile with lower (than that she was accustomed to)
standard of everyday living.
She was very pious - especially in older age
(every day at church to take part in Holy Mass).
She died on February 18 1994. Shares the grave with her
husband Stanisław. Left empty the family house in Strachocina.
Kazimierz (Casimir) Piotrowski,
son of
Jan and
Paulina .
Born on January 04. 1912 in Strachocina.
Married to Kazimiera.
They had six children: Józef, Zbigniew, Marek, Tadeusz, Alina and Maria.
Not so handsome as his elder brother Stanisław
he was excellent dancer and a well known "merry rowdy".
He was "number one bachelor" in the neighborhood at his times.
He worked before the (Second World) War in the factory of railway
carriages in Sanok. He joined socialist party (PPS) at that time.
After the War he worked at Kopalnia Gazu Ziemnego (the Natural Gas Mine)
in Strachocina. Then together with all PPS he was
joined to the Communist Party (PZPR - Polish United Workers Party),
not asked of agreement.
After some years because of a disturbance with a drunken boss,
he was expelled both from the Party and from work.
Then he worked on his own as a jointer for some time.
Later he came to work for Zakłady Gazu Ziemnego
(the Natural Gas Company) together with his elder brother Stanisław.
All through he lived in Strachocina with his family and was
keeping a small farm (circa 4 hectares of soil).
He died in 1986 in Strachocina. He shares the grave with his wife
Kazimiera near the grave of his brother Stanisław.
(Casimira) Piotrowska,
maiden name Cecuła, wife of
Born on March 04 1916. Her mother was a grand-daughter of Wincenty Radwański,
the same that was grand-father of
She was very beautiful when young.
For some time she lived in Lwów (relatively big city, the capital of
a voivodship - now in Ukraine), somewhat as a distant, country relative,
somewhat as a maid. Nevertheless she brought to Strachocina
"from the wide world" plenty of modern practices and facilities.
She had a very special attitude to the world and life: could see
and appreciate around her every sunset, every flower,
every little bug - even the most not showy in appearance.
She had got only one well doing kidney.
Died in 1987 in Strachocina.
(no English equivalent) Piotrowski.
The youngest son of Jan and
Paulina .
Born in 1914 when his father was already at war (and was to return never).
Died as a child in 1920 in Strachocina. His grave was at the cemetery
in Strachocina, now forgotten.
Now the turn of American Błaszczychas comes.
They are descendants of Franciszek and Kazimierz.
Firstly Franciszek's children.
He had two sons: Edward and Chester and two daughters: Eugene and Helen.
Eugenia (Jean, Stella) Kazimierski-Krzesak,
maiden name Piotrowski. Franciszek's daughter.
The first Błaszczycha born in the USA.
Rose was told that Eugenia's (Jean's)
father Franciszek gave her the name Stella (told doctor or priest to
call her so) but her mother Angela
was very much against and changed this decision.
Born on April 13. 1914.
Married two times: with Walter Kazimierski and with Albert Krzesak.
Died on July 23. 1982 in Detroit, Michigan.
Walter Kazimierski - first husband of
Eugenia (Jean).
Born on November 11. 1908. Died on April 13. 1952.
Albert Krzesak - second
husband of Eugenia (Jean).
Born on January 29. 1919.
Edward Francis Piotrowski.
Franciszek's son.
Born on September 26. 1916 in Deroit, Michigan.
Was a printing pressman in "The Detroit News".
During the World War II served in U.S. Army, in Military Police.
Married to Julia.
They had one child: a son,
James .
Died on September 26. 1986.
Julia Piotrowski, maiden name Mozdzierz
- Edward's
wife since August 09. 1941.
Born in 1919 in Detroit, Michigan.
Died on September 27. 1958.
Chester Piotrowski,
Franciszek's son.
Born in 1918 (?), died one year later.
Helen Warchol,
maiden name Piotrowski, Franciszek's
Born on May 01. 1921.
Now lives in Detroit, Michigan.
Jerome St. Warchol,
Helen's husband since May 01. 1943.
Born on May 19. 1912.
Now it comes the turn of children of Błażej's youngest son Kazimierz.
He had one son Bolesław and two daughters: Anna and Rozalia:
Bolesław ("Benny") Peter Piotrowski,
Kazimierz's eldest son.
Born on July 06 1915 in Rossford, Ohio.
Married (on November 28. 1946) to Helen Krolik
but later divorced (about 1952); did not have children.
Completed high school and as the first of
Błaszczychas entered in 1934 an university: the University
of Toledo. At the same time he started work at the Libbey
Owens Ford Co. to earn money for his tuition. It proved too
hard and in 1936 he had to
give up studying.
During the II World War he served in TEC 4, US Army.
In 1946 when cars were hard to get he won one at a movie theatre.
His ticket number was the one pulled.
He had to up on a stage to answer a question. It was:
What was the name of Charles Lindburgs plane when he flew accross
the Atlantic and landed in Paris?
Benny won by saying: Spirit of St. Louis.
The car was a brand new Ford.
In the opinion of his relatives (the American branch of the family)
he indulged too freely in alcohol (but who could be good enough for
the family of Błaszczychas?!) and was rather not ambitious person
(a little bit "wild" - ?). He worked in élite
restaurants as an assistant of a pastry chief at a winter resort
in Florida and in summer in the New York State. Returning
to Rossford in 1966 he was employed at the City Auto Stamping Co.
for 13 years as a forklift operator, retiring in 1979. He lived
for some time in the family house at Walnut Street - the house was
owned by three "Casey's" children. Later the house was sold to their
niece Elaine and her husband Jim Christoff (see)
and he moved off.
He died on February 21. 1991. His grave is in Toledo at the Calvary cemetery.
Helen Piotrowski, maiden name Krolik -
Bolesław's wife.
Married Nov 28,1946, divorced about 1952.
Family don't want to remember this episode of Bolesław's life.
Anna Irena (Ann Irene) Swemba,
John Stanley Swemba
Rozalia Weronika (Rose Veronica) Taylor,
maiden name Piotrowski, Kazimierz's
Born on February 04. 1923. in Rossford, Ohio.
Lives in Rossford, in a house of her own that was built in 1954.
Married to Earl. They have two adult daughters:
and Lorraine.
For a couple of years she worked a nurse.
A member of the Ladies Guild of All Saints Parish in Rossford. Very active
in preparing church festivals (especially making "pierogi"
and "golabki" for a festival at the end of July and for Christmas Bazzar).
A very special person. Full of life-energy.
Well known on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.
In touch with many Błaszczychas in Poland.
Just owing to her the contact between American and
Polish Błaszczychas was re-established (in 1990).
She visited Poland in 1990 and in 2000 (to take part in both
Reunions of Błaszczychas).
Speaks Polish - nevertheless she says that she only
"understands some".
She is a kind of the family chronicler: has a special genealogical
computer program
(first for Atari now for IBM PC) and keeps plenty of data about the family
(of her and of her husband).
She is positively supporting Democrats.
Until the fall of 1995 she was the presiding
judge of Rossford precinct (about 430 voters).
She is one of the three co-authors of this "Guidebook"
(responsible for "American"
parts of it and language side of the whole).
Earl Curtis Taylor,
descended from
Texas (his spoken English is
hardly understandable for Polish Błaszczychas).
Born on October 12. 1923.
According to Rose he is one-eight-blood Indian (Cherokee).
He was a mariner during WW II.
Joined the US Navy on September 09. 1941, just before he was 19 years old.
He was sent to Toledo for cooking school and other training. Was stationed there until 1943.
During that time he met Marie Szymanski.
Then was sent to California.
Married Marie on April 09 1944 when coming east to pick up his ship on the East Coast.
His ship was a Landing Ship Tank (LST for short) 328 ft long, 50 ft wide, a crew of 110.
It was the kind that would drive up on to the beach and the bow doors would open
so jeeps and tanks and other equipement could be put on land.
He was in six invasions in the South Pacific.
Started a cook and worked up to Chief Commander Steward in 1944.
He was discharged on February 01 1947. The ship had no name only a number. It was 917.
He attends his crew (now in 1998 only 10 men already) reunions every year.
After Earl was discharged he and his wife Marie lived in Toledo. They had one doughter.
Marie had a beauty shop and Earl worked for a trucking firm as a dispatcher.
After Marie's death Earl married
Rose. She is a relative to Marie: her cousin Alice Rospond
married Marie's younger brother Herman Szymanski
on April 03 1948.
Later Earl started doing electrical working with Stanley Gacek - husband of Rose's aunt
Jadwiga (Hedviga).
That was besides regular job. He got his licence through experience.
Now retired.
Visited Poland in summer 1990.
Likes to help others, especially in electrical matters that
he knows very well.
His brother
lives with his wife Margie in Texas near Gun Barrell City (8 miles from).
They exchange visits pretty frequently.
Marie Szymanski.
First wife of Earl Taylor.
Mother of Earletta.