Fifth generation: grandchildren
We set our hopes mainly on this generation of Błaszczychas.
Our "Guidebook" is intended to help them to preserve
contacts among at least some of them.
We guess that otherwise if there even was somebody that wanted to learn of his (or her)
kinsmen in the future he (she) would have no chance to effort this.
This generation is a generation of educated people.
Some of them are graduated at various universities, some are bright students of high schools.
Some have IQ (Intelligence Quotient) high enough to become members of MENSA
(elite organization of the most intelligent people).
They are rather very young but same are married already.
Now Polish Błaszczychas of this generation.
Firstly grandchildren of Stanisław.
Ewa (Eve) Grażyna (no English equivalent) Kowalczyk,
maiden name Gacek, Anna's eldest daughter.
Born in Pokój (near Opole, Silesia, Poland) on 17th January 1957.
Married to Marek in 1983 (civil marriage: February 12,
church wedding: June 11). They have three children.
Now they live in Olesno ¦l±skie but have a big house in near
Wojciechów too.
She is a lawyer graduated at the Wrocław University.
Now a president of a local court in Olesno ¦l±skie.
Marek (Mark) Kowalczyk,
Ewa's husband since 1983.
Born on June 08. 1960.
Mechanical technician graduated at Technikum Mechaniczne in Kluczbork, Poland.
Works for "Standard Armatura" Olesno
He was a professional soccer player in "Motor"
Praszka and "Raków" Częstochowa (Polish first division!).
Later was the president and the amateur coach of
a team of oldboys "Wachowice" Olesno.
Has a great sense of humor.
Beata (Beata) Bożena (no English equivalent) Kałwak,
maiden name Gacek.
Born on May 07. 1960 in Zębowice (near Opole, Silesia, Poland)
where then lived her parents Anna and
Married to Janusz, then divorced.
They have a daughter.
Now she lives in Olesno ¦l±skie (with the child).
They often visit Beata's parents in near Wojciechów.
Janusz (no English equivalent) Kałwak,
Beata's ex-husband.
Born in 1960.
His divorce with Beata was rather disagreeable, full of hostile activity.
Dariusz Wojciech (Darius Adalbert) D±browski
Barbara's son.
Born on the 13 April 1964 in Sanok (his parents lived then
in near Mrzygłód).
Married to Anna. They have two children (sons).
Graduated at Engineering College in Cracow as MS in Civil Engineering.
Lives in Kielce. Often calls his mother in Sanok.
Anna (Ann) D±browska, maiden name Zych,
Dariusz's wife since April 30. 1987.
(I, Tadeusz was at their wedding and
had got a very good time).
Born in 1965
in Oświęcim (during the Second World War incorporated to Germany and
renamed Auschwitz - there was the famous death camp).
Monika Iwona (Monica Ivona) Drak, maiden name
D±browska, Barbara's daughter.
Born on the 13 April 1965 in Sanok (see the appropriate note to
Graduated at the Academy of Sport in Kraków (Cracow, Poland).
She is an instructor of sport in school.
Married to Robert on April 11 1993.
They have two children (sons).
They live in Kraków.
Robert Drak, Monika's husband.
Born in Cracow, Poland in 1967. His father originated from Przemy¶l region.
He studied at AG-H (Academy of Mining and Metalurgy) in Cracow.
Now is an owner of a well doing advertising agency.
Przemysław (no English equivalent) Piotr
(Peter) Piotrowski,
Władysław's eldest son.
Born on January 25. 1973 in Nakło
near Bydgoszcz, Pomerania, Poland (his parents lived then there).
Graduated as a MS at the Gdańsk Technical University -
Department of Organization and Managing.
Now works at a bank (PKO BP - one of the biggest Polish banks).
Married to Ania.
Anna Piotrowska, maiden name Jankowska,
Przemek's wife.
Lechosław (no English equivalent) Paweł
(Paul) Piotrowski,
Władysław's younger son.
Born on May 15. 1976 in ¦wiecie near Bydgoszcz, Poland
(in a hospital, his parents lived then in nearby Gródek).
Lawyer. Graduated at Gdansk University in 2000 - as Master of Law.
Married to Kasia.
In 1999 he visited the USA (as a tourist!)
Katarzyna Piotrowska, maiden name Piotrowska,
Leszek's wife.
Lawyer (as his husband). Graduated at Gdansk University in 2000 - as Master of Law.
Eliza (Elise) Piotrowska -
Tadeusz's daughter.
Born (prematurely) and just died on January 17 1975 in Gdańsk.
Justyna (Justine) Piotrowska -
Tadeusz's daughter.
Born (prematurely) and just died on August 22 1976
Jarosław Paweł (Jaroslav Paul) Piotrowski -
Tadeusz's son. Born on January
21, 1978.
Doctors advised Elżbieta
to terminate her third pregnancy as
being without any chance but she refused.
Thanks to this she gave birth to a big healthy boy (Tadeusz planned
to send to the hasty doctor advisors a photo of the child but finally made up his mind to be merciful).
Graduated at Gdansk University in 2002 - as Master of Psychology.
Married to Magdalena.
Magdalena Piotrowska, maiden name Żemojtel,
Jarosław's wife.
Psychologist (as his husband). Graduated at Gdansk University in 2002 - as Master of Psychology.
Now grandchildren of Kazimierz.
Tomasz (Thomas) Piotrowski -
Józef's son.
Born on October 10 1965 in Wałbrzych (Lower Silesia, Poland).
A police officer.
He is a "healer" and a buddist
(as his mother).
Married to Ewa. They live in Rzeszów.
Have two children.
Ewa (Eve) Piotrowska, maiden name Mynart -
Tomasz's wife since 1988.
Born on April 04 1963 in Rzeszów (Poland).
A teacher in primary school.
Magdalena (Magdalen) Piotrowska -
Józef's daughter.
Born in 1976 in Rzeszów (Poland).
From a couple of years a Buddhist (!),
as her mother.
Dariusz (Darius) Piotrowski -
Zbigniew's son.
Born in 1970 in Rzeszów (Poland).
Graduated at the Universite de Cergy Pontaise - Genie Civil in France
as a constructing engineer (as his father).
In 1997 he married Jolanta.
Now (1999) they live in Rzeszów, Poland.
Dariusz works at a French-Polish company.
Jolanta Piotrowska, maiden name Smoter -
Dariusz's wife since 1997.
She was born in Poland and was a schoolfriend of her future husband.
Her parents wre Witold Nowak and Irena, maiden name Smulska.
The fater died when Jolanta was a baby. Later her mother
got married again.
Since 1988 they have lived in Chicago, Illinois.
Anna Kazimiera (Ann Casimira) Piotrowska -
Zbigniew's daughter.
Born in 1977 in Rzeszów (Poland).
Paweł Tomasz (Paul Thomas) Piotrowski -
Marek's eldest son.
Born in August 20 1972 in Stalowa Wola (Poland).
Monika (Monica) Jolanta (no English equivalent -?) Piotrowska -
Marek's daughter.
Born on October 09 1975 in Stalowa Wola (Poland).
Bartłomiej Grzegorz (Bartholomew Gregory) Piotrowski
- Marek's son.
Born on July 05 1979 in Nisko, Poland - in a hospital
(parents lived in nearby Stalowa Wola).
Agnieszka (Agnes) Klimkowska -
Alina's daughter.
Born and just died in Sanok on April 28 1983.
Anna (Ann) Klimkowska -
Alina's daughter.
Born in Brzozów - in a hospital (parents lived in Strachocina) on September 23 1984.
Now Americans.
Firstly grandchildren of Franciszek.
Pamela Joan Weber, maiden name Slezak -
Valerie Slezak-Krotkiewicz
and her first husband Richard's
Born on January 07 1958, died on January 06 1982.
??. Weber -
Pamela's husband since January 04 1982.
Richard Michael Slezak -
Valerie Slezak-Krotkiewicz
and her first husband Richard's son.
Born on December 30 1960.
Married to Christina. Later divorced.
They have two children.
Christina Grace Slezak, maiden name Furitano -
Richard's wife since April 27 1990.
Rachelle Pope, maiden name Slezak -
Valerie Slezak-Krotkiewicz
and her first husband Richard's daughter.
Born on July 28 1965.
Married Richard Pope on April 05 1997.
Richard Pope -
Rachelle's husband since April 05 1997.
Daniel Vincent Kazimierski -
Ralph's son.
Born on April 14 1962.
Married to Lori.
Lori Kazimierski, maiden name Malinowski -
Daniel's wife.
Kenneth Kazimierski -
Ralph's son.
Born on March 24 1963.
Susan Diane Pastoria, maiden name Kazimierski -
Ralph's daughter.
Born on March 20 1964.
Brian Pastoria -
Susan's husband.
Janet Lynn Kazimierski-
Ralph's daughter.
Born on September 04. 1969.
Jeanine Ann Plieth, maiden name Koch
- Claudia's daughter.
Born on September 05 1974.
On June 14 1996 she married James Plieth.
James Neil Plieth -
Jeanine's husband since June 14. 1996.
Peter Koch -
Claudia's son.
Born on June 13 1979.
Scott Koch -
Claudia's son.
Born on July 29 1981.
Ann Marie Wyszczelski - maiden name Piotrowski.
James' adopted daughter.
Born in 1965 in Highland Park, Michigan
(as a natural daughter of James' wife Claudia
and her first husband Thomas Hitt).
Michael Wyszczelski,
Ann's husband.
They have two children, a boy, Michael and a girl, Emily.
Susan Lynn Malone - maiden name Piotrowski.
James' adopted daughter.
Born in 1969 in Highland Park, Michigan
(as a natural daughter of James' wife Claudia
and her first husband Thomas Hitt).
James Earl Malone,
Susan's husband.
They have two children, a girl, Julie and boy, Riley.
James Frank Piotrowski, Jr. -
James' son.
Born on April 03 1972 in Farmington, Michigan.
William Frank Piotrowski -
James' son.
Born on March 09 1974 in Farmington, Michigan.
And now grandchildren of Kazimierz.
Michael Casey Swemba -
Michael John's son.
Born on January 15 1977.
Good in sports (soccer, tennis and other).
Graduated in biology (B.S.).
Continues (in 2006) postgraduate courses of Law (J.D.) and Urban Planning Design and Developement (M.S.)
Ellyn Marie Swemba -
Michael John's daughter.
Born on January 04 1982.
Good in soccer.
John Christopher Swemba -
John Michael's son.
Born on February 02 1976.
Good in soccer.
Carey Lynn Swemba -
John Michael's daughter.
Born on March 16 1979.
Very similar to her mother Linda.
Drew Alan Nitschke -
Rozanne's son.
Born on April 02 1975.
In 1995 he was for a semester of studies in England at
the University of York.
In 1997 graduated from Michigan State University in Engineering.
Married to Monica (on Aug. 5, 2000 - the picture shows newweds and Drew's cousins
Adeline and Olivia,
daughters of Elaine).
They have one son Gabriel born on April 09, 2003
and one daughter Emma born (prematurely) on November 10, 2005
Monica Nitschke -
Drew's wife.
Bradley Alan Nitschke -
Rozann's son.
Born on December 08 1977.
In 2002 he graduated from the University of Toledo with a degree in Computer Science and Engineering
Technology. He received his diploma from the hands of his grandfather Norman Nitschke.
The Graduation was held in an auditorium named after his grandmother and grandfather.
The picture shows Drew's and his wife Monica, Rozanne and Dean, Brad, Brad's grandfather, Norman Nitschke, and Dean's twin brother David.
Andrew Daniel Bobak -
Patricia's son.
Born on December 15 1982.
Audrey Kay Bobak -
Patricia's daughter.
Born on November 27 1984.
Once she was very seriously ill in her early childhood: she spent three months with artificially made paralysis
- to prevent injurious movements.
According to her aunt Lorrie
(we, the Polish authors of this site haven't seen Audrey)
she is very pretty.
Still according to Lorie she loves
(in June 2000, keep in mind that "donna e mobile")
actress Lucille Ball and her e-mail address
refers to this (we've asked her if we may reveal this e-address
on this site but she doesn't answer).
Adeline Rose Christoff -
Elaine's daughter.
Born on March 19 1991.
Olivia Ann Christoff -
Elaine's daughter.
Born on February 09 1993.
James Russell Christoff -
Elaine's son.
Born on January 18 1997.
Emelia Grace Christoff -
Elaine's daughter.
Born on December 15 1999.
Gregory Earl Gumban -
Earletta's son.
Born on February 03 1971.
Julie Marie Roberts - maiden name Gumban.
Earletta's daughter.
Born on June 12 1972.
In 1997 received MS in Guidance and Counciling from Bowling Green
University and started MS course in Social Work at Michigan
University in Ann Harbour.
Married to Benjamin.
Benjamin Roberts .
Julies's husband.
Dean Michael Gumban -
Earletta's son.
Born on November 27 1974.
In 1997 finished studies at Ohio State University in Columbus.